
Recycling For Young People

Recycling is an excellent way of saving energy and conserving the environment, so you could try to recycle plastic bottles, cans, glass jars and paper. You will be given different coloured bins by your Local Council that are used to recycle the various materials. Three key factors when thinking about how to recycle – The…


Interview Tips For Young People

Do some research on the business before the interview. Practice interviewing. Go alone. Do not take friends. Greet the employer with a handshake. Make frequent eye contact. Smile, be polite, and try to relax. Listen carefully to the questions asked. Ask the interviewer to restate a question if you are confused. Answer questions as directly…


Important Tips For Young People

Safety & Security is Important – Remember to check windows and doors are shut and locked when goingout.Lights – Turn off lights in rooms, not in use, you don’t need them all on.Electrics – Turn off any electrical items at the plug when not in use, do not leave on standby.Water – Think about how…


Some of The Things We Expect From Our Young People

Can you cook? Can you budget on a limited income? Can you do your own laundry? Can you make and keep appointments for things like the doctor, dentist, optician, keywork sessions, and risk assessments? Can you read and understand timetables and buy tickets for public transport? Can you manage your space, tell people to leave…